  1. No Shelter


I refuse to be a product of my own environment
Ain't nobody gonna hold me back from breaking through this glass ceiling
I answer to no one
I refuse to join the sheep
I refuse to sit in silence
I refuse to stay asleep

Wake up
If you're not enraged then you're not paying attention

I'll be the voice for the voiceless
And scream until my lungs collapse

Wake up
If you're not enraged then you're not paying attention

It's a broke wage

Subliminal messages teaching you to stay in line

No matter how you spin it
We're all prisoners to time

Trapped in a mental prison not worthy of words
Broken in all the right ways, your visions been blurred


A man who stands for nothing, will be quick to fall for the slightest bit of hope

A man who stands for nothing, will be quick to fall for the slightest bit of hope

Will be quick to fall for the slightest bit of hope

Will be quick to fall for the slightest bit of hope